Product FAQ - Weight Distribution Hitch Troubleshooting Steps & Common Questions

Renay Erickson
Renay Erickson
  • Updated



Here is a list of common things you can check to make sure your hitch is set up correctly.

You may also want to refer to this Weight Distribution Set Up Video

Read through the FAQ and if you have any further questions, we recommend speaking to the manufacturer who can often workshop issues over the phone:

Pro Series - Camec 1300 422 632

RTM - 1300 964 264

Here is a link to the Manual - Generic Weight Distribution Hitch

Here is a link to the Manual - Pro series Weight Distribution Hitch


• Make sure that you are starting out with your trailer level from front to back. We recommend no more than around an inch of difference.


• If you were not the person that installed the WD Hitch originally, go through each of the steps in the manual and make sure your setup matches the installation instructions.


•Do not try to get the tow vehicle perfectly level, it is NOT necessary – just make sure that you are not too extreme in either direction


• Is the tire pressure of each tire on your trailer and tow vehicle up to par?


• Check your load. Is there too much weight in the trailer or tow vehicle? If not, perhaps the load is too far to the front or back of the trailer or tow vehicle and needs to be distributed better. Remember…it’s better to keep the weight shifted towards the front of the trailer than the back...approximately 60% in the front and 40% in the back.


• Ensure that the suspension of both the tow vehicle and trailer are in good working order, and adequate for your set up Bad suspension can result in the Weight Distribution Hitch not being able to properly even your load (and can cause unwanted bounce).

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