The tanks and hoses that we supply are all made from food-grade plastic and are non-toxic.
However, there are a number of possible causes of bad taste in the plumbing.
These generally relate to storage and installation issues.
Common causes of bad taste:
* If silicone has been used anywhere to connect the tank/hose and is exposed to water flow this will be the taste.
* If tank clean has been used and exposed to the silicone a reaction occurs which will also leave a bad taste in the plumbing
* If non-food grade plumbing is used it can also lead to poor taste.
* Sometimes prolonged storage can lead to bacteria build-up
There are a number of methods suggested to try and reduce the bad taste.
Ways to clean your tank:
* Using tank clean to flush out the tanks
* Flushing the tanks with red cordial (yes that is right the drink) Fill the tank and let it rest overnight before flushing
* Flushing tanks - with Milton or bicarb
* Replacing non-food grade fixtures and fittings and removing any silicone that is coming in contact with the water
Ways to avoid it happening:
* Avoid air getting into tanks and keep them full when the van is not in use
* Whenever possible fill your tanks with clean chlorinated fresh water.
* Use a filter to clean all particles out of the water before filling the tanks
* Avoid light which can help bacteria breed. Use black plastic tanks and dark pipes. Avoid clear plastic pipes.
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